Irvin School of Education

欧文教育学院通过创新和反思的学术体验为本科生提供终身学习的机会. Through thoughtful engagement discovering new ideas or solutions, 培养学生通过身心健康寻求个人和职业转变的热情, 教育, 技术, 科学, 服务, 领导, and community.  欧文支持卓越的学术追求,探索与个人教育和领导力相关的复杂问题, 家庭, 教育al institutions, and our global society.

Our mission is to prepare transformative leaders, 教育工作者, global citizens, and excellence in research, 教育, 和科学. 我们致力于建立一个社区,并在基督教信仰和价值观的启发下提供卓越的教育.

国家教育认证委员会(SBEC)和德克萨斯教育局(TEA)问责办公室根据德克萨斯教育法典第21条授权的教育工作者准备问责制,授予中文博彩平台教师教育计划“认可”评级.自评比以来,每年都有45家教师培养单位获得奖励. 教育工作者预备课程对其毕业生在获得认证所需的国家资格考试中的表现负责. 程序必须达到按分类子组(全部)进行测试的最低通过率, 男性, 女, 白色, 拉美裔, African American, Other) to receive a rating of “Accredited.”


由于持续的积极和富有成效的指导和有效的评估, the Irvin School of Education at HSU, 根据2021-2022年教育工作者准备认证状态问责制(ASEP)获得认证状态.  In addition to the Accredited status, HSU Irvin SOE received two commendations.

Background Info about Commendations:
教育工作者预备课程(EPPS)被委托为教育工作者在课堂上的成功做好准备.  第229章订定环保项目问责的表现标准及程序.

To better distinguish EPP performance outside of the accountability system, the SBEC directed staff to provide options to recognize high-performing EPPs.  At the October 2019 SBEC meeting, the Board adopted the EPP Commendation framework into rule, reflected in 19 TAC §229.1(d).  本部分允许SBEC认可那些在为教育工作者准备考试方面做得更好的EPPs.  本节确定了以下类别,以确定表现良好的epp,以获得成功的便利:

  1. Rigorous and Robust 准备
  2. Preparing the Educators Texas needs
  3. Preparing Educators for Long-Term Success
  4. Innovative Educator Preparation

Commendations for the Irvin SOE at HSU:

In #1 category – Rigorous and Robust 准备

成绩标准95%为国家- 95%为HSU首次考试合格率(85次考试合格率)HSU为 之一 three universities to receive this commendation in the state.

成绩标准:在教师短缺地区,国家95% - HSU英语语言艺术首次考试合格率100% & Reading (20 number of passed exams)  HSU was 之一 eight universities to receive this commendation in the state.


Featured Facts and Information

Group of HSU students meeting for outdoor community 服务 activity

Human Services Program

我们的人类服务管理学生学习成为成人服务专家和领导者所需的技能, pre-school and childcare administration, 老年医学, program management, or social 服务. If you want to serve people and 家庭 in need, this program will teach you how to serve in non-profit, 学校, health care centers, and other state and community-based organizations.

Explore Human Services Program
HSU students sitting at a round table talking, smiling, and laughing

Elementary Education Degree

我们的基础教育计划致力于培养未来的幼儿至六年级的课堂教师,他们了解如何提供积极和富有成效的学习环境,以及在公共场合尊重不同学习者的参与和发展适当的教学, 私人, or charter school classrooms.

More about Elementary Education
HSU Education Program student reading book to small children

Exploration Station

Exploration Station is a six week experience designed for 3, 4, and 5 year olds. 它是开放给教师和学生和周围的社区,由中文博彩平台的欧文教育学院的幼儿学生与德克萨斯公园和野生动物部门联合提供.

More about Exploration Station

HSU professor going through labeled flash cards with dyslexic student

Houston-Lantrip Center for Literacy and Learning

中文博彩平台休斯顿兰特里普扫盲与学习中心致力于通过教师教育为患有自闭症谱系障碍和其他学习差异的个人提供支持, professional development, community outreach, and parental and student resources.

More about HLC